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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

US sailors “have won the major battle” in Fukushima lawsuit

US sailors “have won the major battle” in Fukushima lawsuit — Now 200 young Navy and Marines with leukemia, organs removed, brain tumors/cancer, blindness, more — Gov’t: Fukushima a terrible tragedy… Navy ships under threat and didn’t know where to go, some ‘very interesting’ moments… That radiation will kill you like a nuclear weapon (VIDEO)

Oct. 30, 2014: A US federal judge has ruled that a class-action lawsuit filed by about 200 Navy sailors and Marines can proceed against [TEPCO, GE, EBASCO, Toshiba & Hitachi]…. “It is not over, but we have won the major battle,” lawyer Charles Bonner wrote… “THANK GOD!!!!!” responded Lindsay Cooper, the first USS Ronald Reagan sailor to come forward… [The] ruling was a bit of a surprise… [Sailors] alleged that TEPCO’s misinformation coaxed US forces closer… More ailing servicemembers came forward citing exposure-related ailments such as unexplained cancers, excessive bleeding and thyroid issues… [Attorneys] said additional plaintiffs are continuing to come forward with “serious ailments from radiation”

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