A Cruel Legacy

Have you or a loved one become a cancer victim as a result of working at Texas Instruments | Metals & Controls in Attleboro, Massachusetts? Let us help insure you receive the entire compensation that you are entitled to. If you or a loved one worked at the Attleboro site at any time from 1950 to 1967 contact us today for a free consultation.

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Visit our website at www.ticancervictim.com and contact our Attleboro, Massachusetts office today at 508-499-3366.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

US sailors “have won the major battle” in Fukushima lawsuit

US sailors “have won the major battle” in Fukushima lawsuit — Now 200 young Navy and Marines with leukemia, organs removed, brain tumors/cancer, blindness, more — Gov’t: Fukushima a terrible tragedy… Navy ships under threat and didn’t know where to go, some ‘very interesting’ moments… That radiation will kill you like a nuclear weapon (VIDEO)

Oct. 30, 2014: A US federal judge has ruled that a class-action lawsuit filed by about 200 Navy sailors and Marines can proceed against [TEPCO, GE, EBASCO, Toshiba & Hitachi]…. “It is not over, but we have won the major battle,” lawyer Charles Bonner wrote… “THANK GOD!!!!!” responded Lindsay Cooper, the first USS Ronald Reagan sailor to come forward… [The] ruling was a bit of a surprise… [Sailors] alleged that TEPCO’s misinformation coaxed US forces closer… More ailing servicemembers came forward citing exposure-related ailments such as unexplained cancers, excessive bleeding and thyroid issues… [Attorneys] said additional plaintiffs are continuing to come forward with “serious ailments from radiation”

Monday, November 10, 2014

Coldwater Creek Litigation Team Update

Coldwater Creek Litigation Team Update

It certainly looked innocent enough, a creek running through a Missouri town located near soccer fields, golf course and schools.  It was beloved by the neighbors and the children that enjoyed their summer swims.  But, the secrets that this creek held for many years have come to light and the injuries that arose from it are staggering. 
The legacy of nuclear waste in the St. Louis area began when Mallinckrodt Chemical Works (which is now Covidien Pharmaceuticals) was invited to prepare refined uranium for secret work on a war project. Mallinckrodt became the sole supplier for the Manhattan project experiments and then continued to be a leader in the field of uranium ore refining during and after World War II.
When Mallinckrodt’s downtown site ran out of space to store its radioactive waste, it was transported to a site at Lambert International Airport to be stored in bulk on the open ground. Thereafter, the radioactive waste was transported from the Airport site to another site on Latty Avenue in Hazelwood, MO. Sadly, we now understand that the storage, handling and transportation spread the radioactive waste along the haul routes, contaminating the nearby properties including Coldwater Creek.
Residents of communities bordering along Coldwater Creek thought nothing of their proximity to the uranium dump site and had assumed they had only historical connections to uranium. But some perceptive graduates of McCluer North High School dug a little deeper into the unfortunate number of strange health problems that seemed to plague their hometown.  With the help of Facebook and other social media tools, these perceptive residents believed there may be a pattern to the “cancer cluster” surrounding Coldwater Creek - this was just the beginning of an impressively organized community effort to learn the truth behind their Coldwater Creek.
Residents of the communities bordering along Coldwater Creek, including Florissant, Hazelwood, Black Jack, Spanish Lake, St. Ann, Berkeley and Ferguson continue their advocacy on behalf of those injured in their neighborhoods and have since filed lawsuits on behalf of those injured.